Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Biggest Tech Deck Park

Pancione & STORKS

Hello! I would say that the post title says it all about the photos you will see today:) maybe not Vedrette bellies, but the stork hi hi hi I explain better ...
I have two friends who are "bulging" last month ... I would say the last days:) and that I was assigned the task of doing the aunt! Like a good aunt and then I made the flakes birth ... Oh God one is ready, the other is in the works, but will be very similar and both will be especially pink !!!!!!!!

I did not know how to achieve them, I did not do the usual name plate design and girl I've done so many times ... are friends, I wanted to do something more challenging:))) wandering a bit 'on the web I found many storks of cloth, all wonderful ... ahhhh ... that belleeee but ... how do I sew? I said no problem, just not her cloth! I drew a silhouette "cicognesca" convince me and then I asked for help from my dad, who always available as cut me to the fast pieces! Then, between a test and the other is the result ... you say? will appeal to mums and Pupettes?
What you see is for Viola, which should be born on the 29th and then the other end is that I have yet to Alessia which should arrive on February 11 to ... I have to hurry if you want to end up in tempooooooooo!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Best Time To Get A Brazilian

Hello! Today I wanted to leave you a picture of a lantern, always rigorously Mr. Ikea, bought a little 'time ago ... was originally galvanized type, color cmq metal ... I bought it with the intention to make it white ... has been an odyssey disassemble the pieces and remove the glass, color and so even inside. But I like white so much:)))

then I thought of a very minimal decoration, two ribbons and a couple of pieces of chalk, white always:) very simple just like I like it!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sore Gums After Sore Throat

Chevrolet: compie 100 anni

Founded in Detroit in November 1911, the pilot and engineer Louis Chevrolet and General Motors founder William C. "Billy" Durant, the Chevrolet brand has developed cars che si sono conquistate rapidamente un’ottima reputazione per prestazioni, durata e valore. Queste caratteristiche continuano a essere le fondamenta di Chevrolet, che è oggi il quarto marchio automobilistico più grande al mondo. Fin dall'inizio, Chevrolet ha adottato sulla sua gamma di veicoli e autocarri tecnologie e caratteristiche tipicamente riservate a mezzi di categoria superiore. La prima Chevrolet - la Serie C Classic Six ( vedi foto ) offriva l’avviamento e fari elettrici, in un momento in cui entrambi erano una rarità anche nel segmento delle auto di lusso. Nei decenni a seguire, i modelli Chevrolet sono stati equipaggiati con innovazioni come il parabrezza di sicurezza, l’iniezione elettronica, ABS e sistemi elettronici di controllo della stabilità, tipici delle vetture più costose. Essendo una delle industrie più floride del settore, la rapida adozione da parte di Chevrolet di tecnologie che divennero un punto di riferimento, cambiò radicalmente il modo di applicarle ai nuovi veicoli.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Culinare Food Processor Parts


Today I put aside for a moment the photo backlog of Christmas, there are a couple do not worry) and I'll tell you a tremendous late ... even two ... make three vah!
Why you should never contradict true? Chronic latecomer, as I am, I have accumulated in the various post several blog candy ... and I was not able to repay their promises! Between year-end and new beginning of the year have finally managed to retrieve two of the tremendous delays ... I sent it, I add "finally", to Leda thought to have won a game that I had put in the blog millennia ago ... two cans miciosi

then I do not know if you remember the other giveaway that I had launched ... where in a moment of madness hi hi hi, I announced that all those who had said there would be a little thought?? That's right yes yes that blog candy there, I did not forget ehhhhhhhhh ... will update on the situation: It had won al sorteggio il premio più "sostanzioso" e qui vi metto la foto della "sostanza" hi hi hi... altri barattoli in viaggio!!!

per tutte le altre invece che avevano commentato e che aspettano il famoso pensierino... state all'occhio che ci siamo quasi... ce la posso fare!!!

Free Golf Birthday Orange County

Il nostro Lancia Jolly

Siamo rimasti sorpresi nel vedere il nostro camioncino Lancia Jolly in bella mostra in una rivista specialistica e molto esclusiva "CAMION Classic" numero 2, la foto presente nell'articolo in cui si racconta la nascita e la storia dei veicoli commerciali in Italia, è stata scattata durante una manifestazione tenutasi nel 2010 a Latina dove naturalmente il CJMAE era presente, see video.

History of the Lancia Jolly

The van "Jolly," which takes place in the same commercial vehicle Appia, is placed on the market in spring 1959 and built until the end of 1963, then in 1964 was in turn replaced by "Superjolly" (derived from the Lancia Flavia and then with 1.5-liter engine), front-wheel drive. It should be noted that, unlike in vans and trucks or Ardea Appia that all vehicles have always regarded as "derived" from the sedan, vans "Jolly" are often been treated as real vehicles.
Main :
engine: front 4-cylinder V-1089.51 cm3, power 36.5 HP at 4500 rpm, overhead valves; body: van with 2 doors to access the passenger side doors and tailgate + for access to the loading area, shell carrier, front wheel independent suspension, live axle rear suspension, transmission with traction to the rear wheels, 5-speed gearbox + reverse, size and weight: 248.0 cm step - length: 459.5 cm - width 181.5 cm, max speed: km / h 97.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Atheros Driver Ar5bxb


Vi avevo avvisato che avevo ancora dei ritardi natalizi vero???? :))) Infatti eccovi altre foto di produzioni natalizie...
una coppia di palline arrugginite che aspettavano di finire sotto ai pennelli da un pezzo!!!
e una scritta di quelle che standing, perhaps on a shelf or on the fireplace ...

pity that the photos are of the worst kind! I realize now that the writing in the photo are not even able to center it ... let alone the focus ... I'm hopeless:) I see you soon with the latest things "off season" ^ ^

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Heather Brooke And Friend


I'm late with several Christmas photos, now they are out of time, but I'd hate to not publish ... so be patient a few more days, rimettetevi in \u200b\u200bthe Christmas spirit, and so today we start with two wreaths of branches:
is not over here eh ... see you soon!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Olympic Paint, Dragonfly C51-6


A fast passage to wish everyone a happy new year! I leave you this nice photos:) ... a bag of hay ... but not only look better hi hi hi! Sneaking into the bag is that Myrtle is doing lunch! What a girl!

Kodicom Kmc-4400r Driver

Emergency Mordor

Ma vi siete mai chiesti cosa succede ai cattivi dei film dopo che il film finisce?
Io me lo son sempre chiesto. Tipo...Sauron. Che fine ha fatto dopo che Frodo ha gettato l'anello? Si, lo so, non fate i soliti Tolkeniani pignoli scassaminchia dicendo che lui era legato all'anello, che distrutto quello distrutto Sauron, che gli elfi avevano fatto la magia magica de stogazzo ultrasaettante e quindi non poteva tornare in vita, che una volta bruciato nel monte fato non ci son cazzi e Sauron è morto, eccetera eccetera. Ok, forse come primo esempio Sauron non andava proprio bene. E poi perchè cavolo nessuno mi ha mai detto che sono un nerd del signore degli anelli?? UFF.
Vabè, prendiamo qualcun'altro, per esempio Lex Lutor, il Pinguino di Batman, la signorina Rottermeier di Heidi, la strega cattiva di biancaneve, e tutti quei personaggi cattivi che

-non muoiono
-non vengono inceneriti
-non vengono sparati in una gabbia magica sott'acqua
-non vengono sparati in una gabbia magica nello spazio
-non vengono confinati in universi paralleli dal quale non c'è ritorno
-non vengono portati al lato buono (maledetto george lucas e i suoi finali spilberghiani)
-non si scopre che in realtà erano buoni che facevano finta di essere cattivi ma in realtà il cattivo era un altro che sembrava fosse uno dei buoni, ma lo si scopre solo al terzo film of the trilogy-
are not killed prematurely holes
-budget production plants do not end in a hospital bed
-whose lead actor dies tragically before he finished shooting the scenes of the film and so on

short. Those who finished the film are just "poor little men (or aliens in the event of a science fiction movie) destroyed in their hearts, with pride wounded by the evil genius until deep, with a broken heart for all the evil plans went up in smoke, and psychologically from the canceled vampire usually a fruit that comes in and after a shot of her ass after another manages to save one of the perennial menstruating sucker which has been so pathetically in love. The derelict short. There
case for a psychiatric clinic where all come to an end? You know, such as psychiatric clinics for the star, where he went to detoxify Vasco Rossi when a prey to the fumes of alcohol was believed a singer, or those where Luke hangs Juror and is supplied to Morgan before going into broadcasting.
I have always imagined that all ended in a big house on a hill, very austere, with a huge gate, called "Villa Resaca."
A place full of nurses in white coats, who take care of sad figures, now reduced to the harmlessness, trying in every way to remember the good times, but only managed to create cataclysms in miniature, they can not do more than disturb the sleepy life to which they are confined, pathetic beings from other times, including a pill and a shock.

Sauron-Hello-Hello Amanda
(it's the witch from Snow White) ..
-How are you today?
-So ..
nightmares on-again Halflings?
-Yeah ... because, too?
-Always. If it were not for loro quella zoccola sarebbe morta, e ora sarei io la più bella del reame.
-Non dirlo a me.
-Ma tu non sei mica una regina bellissima..
-Ecco, vedi? Perchè un demone delle tenebre ora non può essere re delle tenebre e anche una splendida donna?
-Forse perchè hai un occhio gigantesco che va a fuoco e il petto villoso?
-Voi personaggi delle fiabe siete tutti così. Siete gelosi della bellezza degli altri e non la potete sopportare!
-Volevi distruggere Middle Earth for the fucking ring, for god!
-E combined with what the purse, a halberd??

And the ruckus going on. Balls of fire elementals shadow, witches, metal chips, heat, nurses run from one place to another by injections of Valium to whatever happens to the shot. In short, a mess. That army of heroes in white lab coats that keep at bay a bunch of psychopathic murderers and evil geniuses, but to them who we think? Never a thought that goes to them in our warm and secure nights in our beds, never a mention in the prayers, never a toast. They are there, somewhere in a villa misteriosa, a finire l'ingrato compito iniziato da chi ora si sta godendo il cachè miliardario in panciolle, solo per aver vinto per primi.
Il mio pensiero non va quindi a quelle star ingelatinate che si rotolano sugli allori, ma va per una volta agli altri, i reietti e i dimenticati, e perchè no, anche ai cattivi del mondo, che diciamocelo...esser battuti da una gang di mezzeseghe con gli occhi azzurri...è proprio una vita di merda.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Homemade Online Trailer Registration -renew

What to do for the otter?

La gente non ha davvero capito un cazzo di niente. Lo dico perchè ero uno di loro sino a poco tempo fa. Ma proprio un cazzo di niente!
Quanto tempo passiamo come formiche ad andare avanti e indietro sempre by the same way, without realizing that the door inside the room who did not would you give a dime there is instead a band playing the song of our lives?
Just for a moment that I listen and take heed to ignore that feeling and teach us to ignore since we are children, open that door and enter the wonderland. Yet all business
proceed, one after another, without even lend the event! Nervous, anxious, full of problems. The nearby bother us, we get up and already we curse the sun because it burns my eyes, I curse the cold floor, the bathroom that drips the coffee that they do not ever. We go out on the street and not feel more birds chirping, but pay attention only to the motorist in front of us clumsy and makes us nervous, and then there's the red light .. oh what does that piss off!
Notice what people are sad and worried, nervous faces around us alone, and we are so taken by this game that most do not notice the lady who smiles instead looking for the way our hair ruffled, we lose the passion of the players from road, they give you 50 cents for a song and wish you good day with a flourish.
At midday we already have done with a pistol shot, and silence that bitch of a voice that screams from the beginning of this nth day "FERMATIIIIIIII !!!", but nothing. Shut up voice. This is life, we must adapt or perish, and I'm not the guy who succumbs. I have to show the world what it's worth, everyone should see how much I deserve the place that I have. I have to have their respect, as I do without?
I must. Devo. Devo. I HAVE!!
I can not. I can not, nonpossononpossononpossononpossononpossoooooooooooooo!
fucking me are repeated so many times now that I do not even notice it because to tell you. E 'became a rule from my unconscious self-produced standardization. It 'so rooted in the habit of continually asking these limitations, we no longer have eyes that open enough to actually ask if everyone is crazy to live this way makes sense. What interests me
actually the people's problems?
I'll Ever wonder?
The honest at this point should agree with me that, ultimately, the other gives a damn about us little or nothing. We are so taken by us of that mess, and the lives of other people's lives do not matter to us always and only as a last resort, once satisfied our thirst for approval from the outside world. So why should it be different for others?
Why should they give a damn about us?
They do not give a fuck, just as is true for us. And at this point So what's the point wasting time looking for the approval of those who think only of himself anyway?
Would not you rather spend the time to actually accomplish something, rather than to satisfy the ambitions of someone else?
Would not it be better to leave this game to people who want to keep rolling to live?
Well, guys ... I'm going to step out and take a walk, maybe in silence I can hear better ..

Friday, January 7, 2011

Wut Is Butual 325 Caff Tab

you better roll with it. Also

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Simple But Poofy Dresses

Nuovo incarico per il N/s V. presidente Roberto Sarzani

Congratulations to all the directors of cjmae!!