Monday, February 7, 2011

I Thought It Was A Yeast In


In the previous post I showed pictures of the swap that sent me color Valeria, facciamowap group, but today there I leave the picture of what I sent I:

I have prepared a written shabby adding a bow on the lilac, which was the color chosen for the exchange, then I added two cutters worth collecting. ..

and finally an agenda and a notebook covered with felt ... is a material that had not yet used, but I love it! I found a very nice shop in the center of Reggio selling giftware and obviously felt the material ... a shop where you can feel the warmth and color :))) inutile dire che è stato amore a prima vista!!!

 L'idea dell'agenda l'ho presa pari pari dal negozio, poi mi sono divertita a ideare il blocco appunti... adesso come faccio??? non posso iniziare anche le produzioni in feltro!!! non ci sta più nulla in casaaaaaaaaaaaaa hi hi hi


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