Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wording For A Candyland Invitations

La vinuta t'lu Signori

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Brazilian Ladies Soccer Team


Hello everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saut fast 'cause I have little time, but how could I not pass this way on this day .... dawn of my 33 years of brand-new! In fact they are new since yesterday, since the completion was 14, but yesterday I have absolutely turned on the pc, absolute feast day, we were on a trip to Riva del Garda, a beautiful sunny day :)))))) ))))))))))))

total relaxation, beautiful place, lots of sunshine, a good meal and good company, what could I dediderare better? :)))

Then, then, then ... x return to the topic with the blog will also leave the photos of other mimini sewn by her mother and painted by me ... this time, the mustache is in 3D, I used some "hairs" of the broom hi hi hi make me second best of those drawn!

I have a lot of other photos ... I can do it eh ... salutoooooooo for you now ...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Flight Simulator X Airbrakes

Hello everyone! How was the re-entry shock?? I returned to work Monday and I'm wearing a melancholy post on vacations that will not tell you! Ma non fa niente, via, il modo migliore x togliersi la malinconia di dosso è mettersi all'opera, quindi in questi giorni ho anche ripreso in mano i pennelli e ho finalmente sistemato l'armadio degli orrori, quello dove tengo tutto l'armamentario hobbistico... ora ha un aspetto ordinato... più o meno hi hi hi
Vi lascio la foto di un mimino fermaporta che è stato "prodotto" durante le ferie... ehm pero' non da me eh, io e il cucito non siamo parenti purtroppo, l'ha cucito la mia mamy, ha scovato il modello in un vecchio giornale che le avevo portato tempo fa ed eccolo qui:

Il faccino invece l'ho disegnato I ... at least one hi hi hi

Too bad the photo ... very distorted colors ... the bow is sage green ... vabbe 'it gets the idea:) ciaooooooooooooooooooooooooo