Incredible to say the least ... two posts in two days?? not possibileeeeeeeee hi hi hi
Continuous line yesterday latch and I take this opportunity to publish photos of the package that I sent for the swap hearts Stefy ... packages ready to go:
But let's peek at the contents ... I hope not to give too many clues to this first picture:) let's say I have not used it in a random ... sssssss not reveal too much!
then a pair of soft hearts ... Here I had to ask for help to my mother, 'cause my sewing is at zero, but having done almost all hearts version of painting, I wanted to send something to ciccioso:)
indagando sul blog della mia destinataria ho scoperto che ha una gatta, quindi perchè non dare la forma di un mimino ad un puntaspilli?
due addobbi un po' più country...
e altri più sullo shabby...
e per gli ultimi invece ho pensato all'utilità e sempre ai gatti!!! una borsina di tela e un barattolo per i biscotti o per quello che vorrà...
Is everybody in?? :) I would say yes! I do not know when you receive my combined shipping because it was a bit 'odyssey post ... Sorry I could not open for Christmas ... I hope I can at least open to the Befana! Even for today's all! Have a nice day and if all goes well, who knows, you read it again tomorrow ... Bach
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