As usual CJMAE about 250 members were greeted and wished a good Natel and a Happy New Year to the convivial 4.12, held at the Oasis restaurant Stafford. An affectionate greeting was addressed to members by the President Fabio Fittajoli, who recalled the growth of the Club, which touched the 650 members and the increasing number of events cerscente high quality, and for the presence of means for the organization, whose credit goes to friends advisers, whose commitment to free was appreciated by all partners with a long and heartfelt applause. News is being reported by the National Commission President Special Vehicles ASI, Roberto Sarzani, which announced the holding of a rally in Jesi of commercial vehicles from all over Italy.
very welcome presence of the President of ASI, adv. Roberto Loi and V. Pres ASI, Benito Battilani, who expressed their sincere pleasure to be among the friends of CJMAE, together with a large delegation of Clubs by very close and related to the Jesi.
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