Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ward's Ap Biology Labs


Incredible to say the least ... two posts in two days?? not possibileeeeeeeee hi hi hi
Continuous line yesterday latch and I take this opportunity to publish photos of the package that I sent for the swap hearts Stefy ... packages ready to go:

But let's peek at the contents ... I hope not to give too many clues to this first picture:) let's say I have not used it in a random ... sssssss not reveal too much!

then a pair of soft hearts ... Here I had to ask for help to my mother, 'cause my sewing is at zero, but having done almost all hearts version of painting, I wanted to send something to ciccioso:)

a package contains Mould also some chalk that my combined potrà usare come preferisce :)

indagando sul blog della mia destinataria ho scoperto che ha una gatta, quindi perchè non dare la forma di un mimino ad un puntaspilli?

due addobbi un po' più country...

e altri più sullo shabby...

e per gli ultimi invece ho pensato all'utilità e sempre ai gatti!!! una borsina di tela e un barattolo per i biscotti o per quello che vorrà...

Is everybody in?? :) I would say yes! I do not know when you receive my combined shipping because it was a bit 'odyssey post ... Sorry I could not open for Christmas ... I hope I can at least open to the Befana! Even for today's all! Have a nice day and if all goes well, who knows, you read it again tomorrow ... Bach

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Indianapolis Donating Prom Dresses I

heart receives SWAP!

Ciaoooooooooooooooooo! I seem to be the ghost of my blog ... : (((As time has passed since last post ... I'm always in a bad media talking hi hi hi ... even today are latch ... how are you?? I'm just fine! Commitments to Christmas seemed to multiply ... I did the Christmas tree on 25, as I had already happened two years ago that shame hi hi hi, cmq eventually I did, I was left with only a gift for my parents ... poor hi hi hi ... I want a little something to decorate their house, I already know what and how, but time ... aiutooooooooooo ... make it up these days ... for the rest, I did a lot of little things and I have a memory card packed with digital photos to show you ... the problem here is that it takes me ten minutes just to load a picture ... ok, stop complaining, and somehow work it!
For now the most important thing is that I received the box created by the swap hearts Stefy ee lasted throughout 2010, with 12 themed cuoricioso things ... and here is what I received from Elena

my combination apologized 'cause everything is handmade, but has had a surge of commitments becoming the mayor of his town ... there is absolutely no problem:))) but ... congratulations!
I found it very nice especially the idea of \u200b\u200bcookies and much appreciated yum yum!
mail sent a thank you!
over and out for now ... kisses to all!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

How Long Will My Dog Be On Methocarbamol

Raduno dei Raduni

Appointment in May click in the picture:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where To Get Itcg Cards

Daimler nel 2011 celebra i 125 anni dell’automobile

Click in the photo:

Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Make Oovoo Work

Tanti Auguri!!!!!

As usual CJMAE about 250 members were greeted and wished a good Natel and a Happy New Year to the convivial 4.12, held at the Oasis restaurant Stafford. An affectionate greeting was addressed to members by the President Fabio Fittajoli, who recalled the growth of the Club, which touched the 650 members and the increasing number of events cerscente high quality, and for the presence of means for the organization, whose credit goes to friends advisers, whose commitment to free was appreciated by all partners with a long and heartfelt applause. News is being reported by the National Commission President Special Vehicles ASI, Roberto Sarzani, which announced the holding of a rally in Jesi of commercial vehicles from all over Italy.
very welcome presence of the President of ASI, adv. Roberto Loi and V. Pres ASI, Benito Battilani, who expressed their sincere pleasure to be among the friends of CJMAE, together with a large delegation of Clubs by very close and related to the Jesi.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Microangelo Toolset 6.10.0009

Seduta Omologazione Auto

Sabato 21 si è tenuta la seduta di omologazione delle auto organizzata dal CJMAE presso l'officina Silvano Giardinieri. Le bellissime vetture presenti tra cui pregevoli Ermini, Jaguar, Daimler, Porsche, Ferrari, Lancia, Alfa Romeo, Triumph e Citroen, sono risultate tutte apprezzate e meritevoli della ambita Targa Oro ASI. Un ringraziamento va espresso al nostro Commissario Auto, Gianni Ceccomarini, che ha curato le pratiche per i nostri soci in maniera ineccepibile ed altrettanto cortese.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hair Games And Spa Games

Raduno auto a Belvedere Ostrense

Cjmae on Sunday, November 21, with 20 crew aboard a vintage car, has braved the rain and participating in the event at Belvedere Ostrense "Old flavors of autumn in the old taverns." Despite the cold, the friends are heated in the basement of Ducci, enjoying the wine and local specialties.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Things To Do On A Month Anniversary

Intervista al nostro presidente Avv.Fabio Fittajoli

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Does Your Chest Hurt If You Have Gallstones

Dall’ASI e dai suoi Club federati 208.000 euro all’Università dell’Aquila

Friday, November 19 L'Aquila Roberto Loi Presidente dell’ASI consegnerà al Prof. Pier Ugo Foscolo Preside della Facoltà d’Ingegneria Meccanica Energetica e Gestionale dell’Università di L’ Aquila la somma di 208.776 euro risultato della sottoscrizione a favore delle zone terremotate indetta dall’ASI. La metà della somma è stata donata dai Club federati, ammontare che l’ASI ha raddoppiato. Alla raccolta hanno contribuito ben 104 Club di tutta Italia ( il cjmae ha donato € 500) , che nell’occasione saranno rappresentati idealmente dal Club Antiche Ruote di Montereale (Aquila). This amount will be used by faculty to establish a post of University Researcher "SIA Research Fellow" in the scientific field - Systems for Energy and the Environment. The Convention was signed between the Faculty and ASI will last 5 years. The Eagle is known as a city that has always paid great attention to culture and the University has been and is one of the motor centers, including city's economy.
It 'seemed right to ASI, contribute to teaching at this University, perhaps more capable of other entities, to foster a ritorno, se non alla normalità, ma almeno ad una sia pur progressiva ripresa. I tesserati ASI e i loro Club hanno dimostrato con la loro generosità, la sentita partecipazione alla tragedia delle popolazioni abruzzesi e lo spirito che anima il mondo del collezionismo automotoristico, che guarda si al passato, ma senza perdere d’occhio il presente e il futuro. L’accordo raggiunto con la facoltà Aquilana, è segno ulteriore dell’interesse del movimento storico- collezionistico al progresso tecnologico. Il lavoro di ricerca che verrà intrapreso, tendente al miglior utilizzo dell’energia, anche in funzione del miglioramento delle condizioni ambientali, sarà seguito da vicino dall’ASI e ne verranno comunicati di volta in volta i risultati.
L’Aquila - 19 novembre 2010
Ore 10.15 - Facoltà d’Ingegneria – Campo di Pile ( ex Optimes ) Aula I. 10 –
Intervengono il Prof. Ferdinando di Orio - Rettore Magnifico dell’Università
Avv. Roberto Loi - Presidente dell’ASI
Dr. Raniero Ciani - Presidente del Club Antiche Ruote
Prof. Pier Ugo Foscolo - Preside della Facoltà d’Ingegneria
Prof. Pacifico Pelagagge - Direttore del Dip. d’Ingegneria Meccanica Energetica e Gestionale
Prof. Roberto Cipollone - relazione “ricerca sui motori a combustione interna” in seno al Dip.
Ore 11.15 firma della convenzione e deposizione di targa memory.
11.30 am Press conference.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Images Of Misty Mundae

Porsche: come restaurare una 911 del '73

Click in the photo:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Skip-bo Electronic Game


Today I do some 'advertising ... is an exhibition in which virtually the entire family is actively participating ... mamy as embroidery and entered the association, the undersigned enlisted to paint a few things and grandpa enlisted the assembly under construction shows ... so yes yes I would do some 'of advertising:)))

The Italian Association of Cross Stitch with the patronage of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia is organizing the biennial exhibition of cross stitch embroidery


13-21 November 2010

opening Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 16

museum at Reggio di Piazza Casotti

Daily from 10 am to 18.30 pm Closed on Mondays
I leave you have the link of the association's site if you need more info
If you're in the area passateeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! Have a nice day:)))

Friday, November 5, 2010

Coleslaw Dressing Recipe-mayonnaise -miracle Whip


I ritardissimo with pictures of the exchange center ... non mi ricordo neanche quali ho pubblicato... aiuto aiuto... mentre faccio un attimo il punto della situazione vi lascio con la foto di alcuni quadretti che ho fatto per un'amica e visto che il risultato mi ha lasciata abbastanza soddisfatta nella sua semplicità, ho pensato di farne uno in più per lo scambio cuore... devo solo decidere quale dei tre :)))

buon weeeeeeeeeeeeee :)))

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Distinguish Liver From Gallbladder Pain

Auto d'epoca in scala 1:2

Click in the photo: