About of this article, we report here in the mail addressed to the Director of the newspaper in order to emphasize that the Stupor Mundi Chorus is quite foreign to these vicende.Non Spiro is a battle against Santoro, who in his private is free to act as he believes, is just a clarification!
Dear Director,
are the creator and founder of the Stupor Mundi Chorus I am writing to say a few words about the article by AR Pal. published on page. 17 on 10/09/2009 with the title of President and former Proloco assessore.Riporto verbatim the words on my choir "Santoro is also known for his work and sing in the Stupor Mundi Chorus, a choir that takes care of spreading the culture and tradition of the songs from the Middle Ages to the Present ". I would include the journalist who has written the article: 1) Why the emphasis the name of the choir and its purpose in an article where I highlighted the work activities performed by Mr. Spyridon Santoro.Cantare is not a job is a hobby that unites us, everyone gives their free time and your own voice. There are other interests of the fund but only community spirit and cultural heritage. These are the basic rules of the choir as well as mutual respect. The Stupor Mundi Chorus is an amateur choir founded by me with the help of Maestro Fabio Anti, it is born of love for our land, our traditions and art in all its forms in order to promote the development totalità.Sottolineo human being again that for me and the choir is a passion not a way to make money, rather it provides their free time and not just to keep this project alive. I demand, therefore, explanation and correction of 'article about this combination Spyridon Santoro Stupor Mundi Chorus and why we have received negative publicity gratuita.In waiting for your kind reply, I offer
Yours Regards
Dr. Joseph Luccarelli
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