Immaginate che bello, svegliarsi in Spain a morning in your room from 180 € / month rent (I will pay exactly twice), sit at the computer, and read about one of the major national newspapers that Zapatero has just declared yet another tripped to the pope: " abolition of a state funeral in a Catholic ceremony and crucifixes in schools and public buildings "(source unit. As if that were not enough to read the same article that the English leader has also promised'introduzione of the vote in local elections for immigrants with residence permit.
Then instead you wake up and you're still really in Italy, and the laws of night patrols and raids to hunt for foreign organized by supporters of a party that took the most votes in the last election; the prime minister declaring that the judiciary and justice are against the rights of citizens, saying air distraught to what is stressful for him having to spend Saturday morning with his lawyers for all pleadings ingiustissimi opened by these infamacci of Judges do not want to just leave in peace. Poor star ..
Rather than thank that is not a miner to pay for cutting the ICI will sell their children to do scientific experiments, or to not be in prison as well as the Saturday morning all the other weekdays and holidays, he is doing? It should be on all the stages of Italy to make his shot from stand-up comedian, thanks to his impending freedom from everything and its foreign funds in case things get male.
Si sa, ormai noi italiani ci siamo abituati a tutto, e se le cose non ci toccano direttamente chiudiamo gli occhi e ci giriamo dall'altra parte.
Ma quando tocca leggere che l'esponente del governo che dimostra un briciolo di sensatezza è Umberto Bossi, allora, e scusate l'espressione, vi cascano i coglioni per terra. Soprattutto sapendo che da dopo l'incidente usa solo una metà del cervello, che si sa non ha mai funzionato bene nemmeno quando era intero.
Rivolgo allora un appello ai nostri cari comunitari spagnoli: SALVATECI VOI.
Scusate la durezza delle parole, ma per me ultimamente è davvero difficile cercare not to be ashamed of being Italian ..
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