Mr Pope, excuse the cheek. Coming soon to the cinema
Here in Italy things are going really all down. And I speak not only of Inter, who won the title without have it forfeited, even for the second year in a row, no.
I'm talking about the social situation and political climate that has been created after the elections.
Of course I realize that what I said is a matter of course, or at least for 46 something% degli italiani, ma quando ti svegli e trovi sulla prima pagina di repubblica che il papa ha dichiarato di essere "Gioioso per il nuovo clima politico che si è venuto a creare in Italia col nuovo governo", soprattutto dopo che dall'inizio del mandato del nuovo governo stesso son già piovute denunce per xenofobia e razzismo da diversi paesi dell'unione europea, allora ti vengono davvero dei seri dubbi.
Il papa ha infatti dichiarato: "Avvertiamo con particolare gioia i segnali di un clima nuovo, più fiducioso e più costruttivo." Mi faccia capire, signor Ratzinger: il governo chiude le porte agli immigrati, trasformando i centri di accoglienza in carceri, propone di ghettizzare i rom, si lancia in accuse razziste verso rumeni e altri nations, proposes to name streets to well-known pro-fascist (proposed by the President of the room by the way) as Almirante (MSI), starts to make laws to protect only a few beneficiaries (See Chairman of the Board with its network 4), resumed relations with political leaders with blood on his hands (Bush and Putin to name two), and various other types of ministers who have shouted "thieving Rome" and burn the flag, and she says that the new climate is more confident and more constructive?? Sure, we voted them there, and we deserve them widely, there is no appeal on this, but it's a good excuse for such behavior?
Now I think of two questions arise that would point-blank. The first would be, but what the hell did you smoke before the press conference? If it were not that religious conviction as charged drug use, the other question becomes one that statistically has a percentage of existence of a major response, and it is this: what have we gained?
course from Italy that Italy is known is that no central government (although in reality it is a right-wing government masquerading as a government center) was elected without the votes of Catholics, but the only explanation for why this vast contradiction may be standing is that its slice of the pie was quite big and stuffed. And I do not speak of the subsequent statement that essentially calls for Catholic schools as responsible for account (which would be the metaphor to say "give us more money and let us sneak our teachers everywhere to grab small and create new soldiers of faith, obedient and submissive), or the resumption of hostilities in the field of family , marriage, abortion, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. .. I would look good dall'insinuare that the two statements are linked.
These are just guesses of an anti-Catholic and anti-fascist convinced, and only time (5 years if there is fine) can reveal what the future has for us in Serbia. In the meantime I've already issued the order to book tickets for different locations with different airlines to fly (foreign of course, the cocks that give you a penny Alitalia), earning an escape route in advance, if things go wrong, and I highly recommend you do so, before the low-cost become high-cost. At the very least ask for political asylum to Zapatero, at least there I'm sure that does not kick your ass I'll take it.
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