Oh My God ... Basta. I am sick of God change their religion.
Ah true, I'm an atheist.
Oh well, fuck it, I create me. How much will it take? Now with the internet you quickly ...
Good. Wikipedia says that because a school of thought Religion can be defined, it is necessary to have certain characteristics.
... Then there is the power of thought. Then let's see ... .. ... mhmhmhmhmh says here that serves a divinity.
Oh well. The
I do. Divinity in place. Marwich the top. 1.92. below are not ...
There is no need to point out that since the deity can not be subject to any criminal prosecution and / or civil law under the first commandment specifically created as a generous act of my first great gods, so that states:
Commandment number one (I am a god behind the times):
"It was not me. And even if he were God, then attacked."
Then it says here ... che perchè si possa parlare di religione bisogna assolutamente che ci sia un gruppo di umani che esprima il proprio rapporto con il sacro. Bene. Mi serve un gruppo di umani.Anzi, facciamo umane. Gnocche. Anzi. MOLTO gnocche.
Vabbè..non sarà poi così difficile..c'è riuscito Scamarcio, non ci posso riuscire io?
Poi, io dalla mia ho il potere divino...quindi ne avrò a bizzeffe, una volta messo in funzione il comandamento numero due...
(tono solenne) E Dio parlò, e disse:
Comandamento numero due:
"se non puoi convincerli...confondili."
Gruppo di umani assicurato.
Ah: No pentiti cattolici please. Per quelli ancora non siamo attrezzati.
Shit! Easy ... just make God cool! Alakazam!! What power! I broke the glass only by imposing levandogli hand and the support and using my gravity!
Ah yes, gravity is my .. I forgot to tell you. As no God of any religion has claimed, and that is not subject to copyright or private property, I took it today to the powers conferred upon me by myself. (So \u200b\u200bI'm sure that as long as I leave it to him to use, physicists do not have a bad .. oh well .. apart Zichichi). The strength of
unfortunately belongs to the Vileda mop, so I can not take advantage. But most of laziness.
Good. Then. While we are Commandment number three:
"Anchovies are banished from the world."
just the smell makes me sick .. let them settle, let us what you want, but let them disappear. I have no time. Or at least do not put them in a treason to say that pizzas are ham Holy shit!
And so God answered the anchovies. Amen.
Go ahead. So, like any good religion that respects need some story to give to believers to drink ..
Boh ...
"Ehmmmm Jalapeno ... and climbed the highest mountain, offering a sacrifice and a beer asked God to spare his family from the arrival of extraterrestrials. And then God took the beer and drank it. And he said to Jalapeno's go home to his son, and would be a visit that would save him from aliens. Blessed him with the sacred beer and vanished into thin air, in a cosmic burp, leaving a delicate scent of magnolia in the air. And beer. So Jalapeno came home from his son, but was waiting for the police with a warrant of arrest for substance abuse, which took him to jail. But it was jalapeno miracle, because since he was locked up, detoxification saved him, and the aliens never came. Just as God had promised. "
We Jalapeno's story will be the first official appearance of God Marwich literature written in the new religion. That you can find here on my blog, just two lines above this. Amen.
So let's recap. Divinity is there. Group of humans, there is. Story, there is. Commandments, there are. There are not any rituals.
.. Rituals such as a mass or what? Wikipedia here is unclear. Oh well, I jot down a couple so much to please the fanatics. Ie those who can not do without someone else to tell him how to live rather than use their little brain boh .. oh well, the right to judge me the reserve for moments of boredom ..
At this point I have to mark them to appear in a dream someone to reveal the date of Judgement Day. (Irene.. I know that this time it's up to you .. MWAHAhahahahwahHawhahwh)
first rituals ... rituals ... mi servirà un saluto rituale degno di ogni religione che si rispetti. Ce l'hanno anche quelli di scientology - che sarebbe lanciare la patata sacra (tutti gli adepti girano con una patata che chiamano "La patata sacra") in aria, e fare tre giri su se stessi prima che ricada a terra - non posso essere da meno.
Anche i cristiani per esempio,loro hanno il segno della croce..Che poi, voglio dire..sto segno della croce, ma non vi sembra un po triste? A me dibbrutto..Cioè, quel poveraccio ce l'hanno ammazzato e torturato su quel pezzo di legno, non vi pare sia un po di cattivo gusto ricordarglielo ogni volta? Boh vabbè..io avrei scelto un "dammi il cinque" piùttosto...
Però hanno ragione, pure i martiri aiutano...Fanno scena..
Cazzo mi serve un martire.
Il mio coinquilino andrà benissimo.
Sia ben chiaro che non è mio figlio. Non l'ho mandato alla tortura per redimere nessun peccato, e non l'ho fatto inchiodare da nessuna parte. Questa religione è contro le torture agli animali.
Comunque..mi serve un martirio credibile.
Ma sì, una scopa in culo andrà benissimo.
" E Jerry - il mio coinquilino si chiama Jerry, l'ho deciso ieri in sogno - fu preso dalle guardie del tempio del male, e portato davanti al consiglio. Fu processato e giudicato colpevole di appropriazione indebita di deodorante, punibile con la morte previa tortura.(guarda caso) Così fu portato sulla montagna sacra, e sotto gli pitiful eyes of the one true God (who me) he was stuck on the broom of power for its fragile rectally. And the sky grew dark, the earth shook, and he died of anal bleeding. But rose again after 24 hours, and his disciples saw him drive to the mac and ordered a sandwich for her final journey to heaven. "
goes without saying that the new greeting is a gesture that will imitate and reflect the martyrdom which was performed on the new messiah (and you Jerry, do not ya up, I like God created, and how God can destroy you.) Pretend to slip a finger up your butt will do. Yes Determined. The finger Job will be the official greeting.
course is not very orthodox but .. oh who cares, at least we made you laugh.
"Welcome to the sacred function brothers and sisters. (Finger in the ass)
Let us give thanks to all our God (collective finger in the ass) Oh
prejudice Mastro (my disciples will be called master) (finger in the ass)"
Good. and even the greeting is in place. Now I need a kind of sect .. And also a name for her.
Hmmmm .. shit, the "Blues Brothers" has already been used ... We
"Those who have no desire." Yes, I think the name fits perfectly. Perfect.
it! Religion is ready!
E mo?
Uff ... no enough, I have already broken even this.